Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA)

What is SCADA?

Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA), is a system architecture comprising hardware and software that helps in controlling industrial processes. 

The application of SCADA in industrial processes includes process controlling, real-time data gathering from remote locations, and providing the organization with the tools that it requires to make data-driven decisions. 

It is one of the most commonly used industrial control systems as it can manage almost any type of industrial process. 

What are the Components of SCADA? 

A SCADA system is made of components that help gather real-time data as well as perform other industrial automation tasks. And its components include:

1. Human Machine Interface

SCADA is an I/O device that helps human operators to control the process data. For this, SCADA’s database and software programs provide the management with information like detailed schematics. Scheduled maintenance, data diagnostics, and logistics information. 

2. Supervisory Computer

This component controls all the SCADA processes and is used for gathering data from field devices. It also helps to send commands to those devices that control industrial process

3. SCADA Feild Controllers

The field controllers are the parts that are directly contented to the input and output devices, and they are of two types:

  1. Remote terminal units (RTUs), which help in collecting telemetry data and pass it onto the primary system.
  2. Programmable logic controllers (PLCs) that have actuators to control industrial processes. 

4. Sensors and Actuators 

The sensor is a feature of the device that helps detect inputs from industrial processes. While an actuator is a feature that helps the system control the mechanism of the process, aka give outputs. 

5. HMI Software

This component of the system helps consolidate and present data gathered from the SCADA field devices and helps the operator to understand the process better. So they can make modifications to the current status if required. 

6. Communication Infrastrcture 

The communication infrastructure is usually a compilation of directly wired radios that are used in Supervisory control and data acquisition systems. The infrastructure enables SCADA to collect data from the field devices and control them. 

What is meant by supervisory control in SCADA?

The supervisory control in SCADA refers to the software’s ability to gather real-time data from remote locations and take prompt actions based on them. 

At the same time, the SCADA system also controls multiple individual controllers and control loops, which is why it is termed supervisory control within a distributed control system. It is not an individual process controller, rather, it provides a high level of overall monitoring. 

Therefore in SCADA, the term ‘supervisory control’ refers to a specific class of system that is used for process control. 

What industries use SCADA?

As modern SCADA systems can do way more than just collecting data and operating devices, they play a crucial role in many industries to streamline their daily operations, wastewater systems, electric generation, transmission and even distribution. 

Here are some industries that use SCADA systems for efficient automation.

  • Manufacturing industry
  • Oil and gas industry
  • Water processing industry
  • Food production industry
  • Mass transit industries (i.e- railways, subways, tramways etc.)
  • Chemical industry
  • Pharmaceutical industry 
